Why me?

like you, I had to start somewhere and like you. I faced a lot of hurdles to get to where i am i made a lot of mistakes wasted money and precious time that i could have been spending with my family.

i want to save you that hassle and show you the path tools and techniques i learned and developed along the years i want to help you rekindle your passion of filmmaking and make your life easier 

but dont take it from me check out my work and if it inspires you I am here to help.


I would love this to be a safe place for you to dig deep open your mind and heart and explore the possibilities for your art.

I know how hard it is to ask questions on public forums and social media . the truth is we are all learning , no matter what stage our carries we are at.

I know how hard it is to ask question on public forms and social media the trust is we are learning no matter what stage of our carries we are it .

this is a place for you to connect deeply with your inner learner go back to your initial impetus , revive your vision and start planning for a better future.

All questions are valid ask me anything from work life balance , workflow , building relationships creativity




I wanted to develop a better workflow and take my business to the next level and gione gave us more then we asked for. he was so helpful to honestly and clearly show us his process if you are trying to remove from good and great its about the attention to details Gione was able to access the fine details and point us in the right direction so that we can improve if you are trying to develop your brand , i can highly recommend Gione mentore

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